“Tar Snake” is a series of paintings on paper, mylar, and linen inspired by the tar ribbons that fill the cracks in the road. You hardly ever see them created by a public works department, but they are always being done and are everywhere. The use of mylar, a new material in my work, becomes a metaphor for the smooth texture in film and photography, and suggests overlapping gestures to retain the feeling of a double exposure. Interpretations of its multiple meanings is left to the viewer. Tar Snake Studio InstallationTar Snake ITar Snake IVTar Snake ITarsnake IITar Snake IIITar Snake 300Tar Snake 301Tar SnakeTar SnakeTar Snake 213Tar Snake 215Tarsnake 224Tar Snake 223Tar Snake 224Tar Snake 231Tar Snake 232Tar Snake 165Tar Snake